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I feel guilty about my disconnection with Judaism

Where are my Jewish friends, asks Jamie Rodney

November 6, 2017 12:17
Jewish friends...
2 min read

Jamie Rodney is one of the JC's regular student bloggers for 2017-18. He is studying English at St Andrews University. 

"Well, the way you have to understand it," my friend said, in his typical, politically incorrect way. "Jamie only moonlights as a Jew."

My response to him was both an obscenity and an instruction, but, given a chance to consider what he'd said, I realised he might have a point. While St Andrews has a sizeable enough Jewish population, a fairly active Jewish society, and even (bizarrely, given it's on the East Coast of Fife rather than the USA), a Jewish fraternity, I have a grand total of one Jewish friend at university, and our relationship isn't exactly based around saying brachas together.

If asked to explain this, I think I could manage it glibly enough (I'm too antisocial to join a Jewish society, and the fact I don't like drinking or splashing cash rules out any frat, Jewish or otherwise.) But this article isn't an attempt to self-justify. Instead, I'm trying to explore my experiences as a (proudly) Jewish student, for whom Judaism has become an increasingly less important part of University life.