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Norman Lebrecht, norman lebrecht


I applaud those who came out and danced this Lag Ba’Omer

'Revellers' is a term invented by newspaper lawyers to imply misconduct without risking a libel writ, writes Norman Lebrecht

May 22, 2020 09:45
Lag Ba’Omer being celebrated in Brooklyn
3 min read

When I saw the word “revellers” I realised we had fallen into a bottomless canyon of cultural incomprehension. The word appeared in the Daily Mail and it described illicit Lag Ba’Omer activities by Chasidic Jews in Stamford Hill.

Revellers is a term invented by newspaper lawyers to imply misconduct without risking a libel writ. Like “fun-loving” for promiscuous and “tired and emotional” for dead drunk, “revellers” suggests that some folk were having a terrific time at the expense of others — in this case, a bunch of Chasidim dancing around a bonfire on a council estate whose tenants were in lockdown.

Shame on those revellers is what the Daily Mail wanted you to exclaim. Many did, including a spokesman at the Chief Rabbi’s office, such was the anxiety aroused in high and holy places by the sight of Jews having a good time these days. Reading the Mail, you’d think most of Britain was bunged up in a ghetto while these Chasidim were celebrating Guy Fawkes, VE-Day and a Spurs win rolled into one.

Before long, even Chasidic rebbes joined the universal chorus of condemnation at these odious frolics which, according to the Daily Mail, involved the waving of a gorilla mask, and not for antiseptic purposes. Cue outrage from the animal rights lobby. The one redeeming grace that went unnoticed was that no women were involved in the alleged revelry, either because they had too much sense or due to their imagined vulnerability. Altogether, an all-round disgrace