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How to help out against the avalanche of antisemitism unleashed by October 7

Here's some hard-learnt lessons on what you'll face - and a few tips on how to cope

November 23, 2023 12:58
angry man GettyImages-1400864417
3 min read

Make no mistake, there are two wars being fought.

One involves the brave men and women of the IDF fighting Hamas, the other is on social media.

And with the former risking life and limb to keep Israel safe and return the hostages we in the diaspora have, frankly, no excuse to not sign up for the latter.

For there is no question that social media has been part of the avalanche of antisemitism we’ve experienced since October 7.

There is no point debating the specific merits and dangers of social media, the genie is not going back in the bottle. It exists, it’s a platform that allows for dangerous and false ideas to spread instantly.

But it can also be harnessed for good. Which is where you come in.

Many Jews are already fully engaged online. Many non-Jewish allies are also there with us. And both are a beautiful thing to see.

This has been an organic growth from the early days of Corbyn’s leadership, where the few rallied against the many. Yet we are still massively outnumbered. And we always will be.

Which is why every voice matters. Some might question the point: the online world isn’t real.

This is true, but it is naive to think that just surrendering that space, won’t have a real world negative impact on Jews.

We’re needed as a bulwark against the lies, misinformation and hate that too many are too ready to believe. And if we want others to rise with us, to fight with us, not just for the safety of Jews, but for liberal democracies everywhere, first we must be seen to be standing.

Among those now recently awakened to the danger and wanting to get involved, the most common refrain I’ve heard is: how?

I get it, it’s daunting tipping your toe into a bizarro word of inversion and hostility. So here are a few hard-learnt pointers:

Start small Like, share, forward, follow, screen grab and copy links. It all adds up, not just in terms of support, but also to your knowledge.

As your social media bubble bursts you’ll see again and again the same lies, tactics and fake tokenism, and the same misuse of words like genocide, apartheid and occupation. And you will know how to challenge them.