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History Doesn't Have to be Boring

October 30, 2010 21:31
1 min read

It can often yield unexpected gems.
I wonder what contemporary negotiators will make of this development, as reported by Yisrael Medad his blog:
East" Jerusalem? No. New Jerusalem Neighborhoods
Elliot Green:
Jerusalem has had a Jewish absolute majority population since 1853, according to the contemporary French historian and diplomat, Cesar Famin.
Thus, the notion of "Arab east Jerusalem" is a post-1948 invention.
"La population sedentaire de Jerusalem est d'environ 15,500 ames:"
("The sedentary population of Jerusalem is about 15,500 souls:")

Jews . . . 8,000 . . . Juifs
Muslims . .4,000 . . . Musulmans
Christians 3,490 . . . Chretiens
- - - - - - -------
. . . . . . . 15,490

This is the place for the name and other data about Famin's book: L'Histoire de la rivalite et du protectorat des Eglises chretiennes en Orient (Paris: Firmin Didot freres, 1853). The breakdown of Jerusalem's population is on page 49.