
Harriet Harman's memory

November 24, 2016 22:47
1 min read

I was about to write that Harriet Harman can only be either an idiot or a liar. Since it's long been clear that she is the former, I was willing to accept her word that she assumed Janet Kidd was kosher because she was a pre-existing donor to the Labour Party.

Until I watched her interview with Nick Robinson (link awaited). She says she has no idea how Hilary Benn knew that Kidd was a figleaf for Abrahams. OK, useless but believable of an idiot. And then, right at the end, she says she had never heard of Abrahams.

Come off it, Harriet, who are you trying to kid? Harriet Harman was integral to Labour's opposition milieu, and anyone around then would have run into David Abrahams, as I make clear below.

I realise now that it's not a question of whether she is an idiot or a liar. It is, of course, possible to be both.