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ByAnonymous, Anonymous


Haaretz self-contradictions

January 11, 2011 12:04
1 min read

Lieberman is the new Kahane
His venom has gone to his head
not everyone is willing to stick his nose into Yisrael Beiteinu's open sewer, sniff and enjoy it.
Today, the evil spirit sets the tone, spreading the patriot-villain's radiocactive radiation.
as though we were getting used to a purulent abscess developing under our nose.
How long will you allow this abomination, legitimize this filth
In contrast to Lieberman, the transfer inventor deserves to be remembered as a righteous among the nations.
They're right, the villains - Kahane does live. He is the foreign minister today
One minister is rolling the whole cabinet in tar
It is his fault and his fault alone that Gilad is still in the pit.
More than Bibi fears the freed terrorists, he fears the foreign minister's reign of terror.
And Lieberman is really frightening
He instills terror even in the hearts of the investigating officers and prosecutors
Avigdor Lieberman is another right marker. Only yesterday, another target was marked in Jerusalem.
Watch carefully, glance right to the Kahane and Goldstein commemoration corner, for the fire will open from here.

And after this pure ad hominem stance, retired Meretz Yossi Sarid had the nerve to write:

All Haaretz loyalists - readers and writers alike - love this country and want its good. They hate those who distort its image and uglify it.