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ByAnonymous, Anonymous


Good news from the UK

January 16, 2011 05:50
1 min read

Britain has purchased 30 of Elbit's WK450 UAVs, based on the Hermes 450 system, in a deal which Sky News says is worth nearly one billion pounds. As a result of the deal, British troops have been training in Israel in the use of the drones.

It is nice to see that 'Amnesy' International, in their haste to condemn Israel, forgot again to correct the death toll of Cast Lead according to the numbers published by their HAMAS friends. It is also nice that they forget that the missiles and military force that protect them in democracies were also used against the Nazis.
But then, it is so tempting to condemn Israel that they couldn't resist to their double standards' urge.

And double standards are a sure sign of antisemitism.