Well, I must say this comes as a huge shock:Britain faces a £1 billion black hole after the 2012 Olympics because of “ludicrous” property price projections backed by ministers, it emerged last night.Who would ever have thought that there might be a miscalculation in the Olympic budget?
I do, however, have a get out of jail free solution to this obscene squandering of public money.
Gordon Brown should pick up the phone to Nicholas Sarkozy and tell him that Paris can have the whole damn thing.
There is nothing the French would like more than rubbing our noses in the humiliation of it, and they would happily pay whatever it took. And it would be worth every moment of the humiliation to escape the debts that Tessa Jowell and her crowd of moronic spendthrift incompetents are saddling us with.
Just to be certain the French bite, Mr Brown should offer to sign a public document saying that we Brits should never even have bid for the games against the far superior French, and that it is Paris' historic destiny to host the games. Lay on the 'umbleness, lay on the 'we're not worthy', lay on the 'you French are mighty'-ness with a trowell.
And then stand back and watch Paris saddle itself with debt the like of which no country has ever known before, so that some people can run around in a stadium in the summer of 2012.