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ByDaniel Rynhold, daniel rynhold


For Sacks, Judaism was a protest against the world, in the name of a world that ought to be

'Rabbi Sacks’ thought was always focused on practical reason, revolving around a moral axis'

November 12, 2020 10:41
2 min read

To capture the breadth and depth of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’ intellectual legacy in a few hundred words is impossible. But if I were to try to identify one idea that echoes through his writings across the decades it would be the claim made in his 2000 book Radical Then, Radical Now that Judaism “is not a way of understanding or accepting or being reconciled to the world. To the contrary, it is a protest against the world that is, in the name of the world that ought to be.”

In the modern era in particular, Jewish philosophy has been characterised by what the rabbi and thinker Steven Schwarzschild termed “the Jewish twist,” a phrase he used to emphasise the Jewish focus on practical reason over abstract theological concerns. While one could call his description into question with reference to much of medieval Jewish philosophy, Rabbi Sacks’ thought was always focused on practical reason, revolving around a moral axis.

Even in his early inward-looking works such as One People, a book that met with some opposition at the time, he was driven by a concern with inter-denominational strife within our community. One did not have to agree with the solutions he presented there in order to understand the basic moral concern that motivated him.

As he turned his attention to more global matters, and found a voice that would be heard nationally and internationally, Rabbi Sacks modelled for us all how that moral concern could emerge from what the world increasingly saw as the most unlikely of places — the unapologetic commitment to a particular religion.