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Fighting Back: British Jewry's Military Contribution in the Second World War

November 7, 2010 18:48
8 min read

The following piece was originally posted on the JewishGen Blog, September 14, 2010, but I thought it might be pertinent to interests of those reading this Blog.

Military history has always fascinated me and now, there is a fine book just out which covers an area of it that I am personally interested in, that of the participation of British Jews in World War II. The book is entitled Fighting Back, British Jewry’s Military Contribution in the Second World War. It is written by Martin Sugarman, the Archivist of The AJEX (Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women) Jewish Military Museum located in London, England.

It is meticulously documented and filled with the stories of participants, both men and women, combatants and non-combatants, who made a real and lasting contribution to the war. The facts and figures presented in a readable and concise form puts often made anti-semitic allegations to rest that Jews did not give their all to the war effort.

The material in the book could easily deserve expansion into several volumes. It certainly provides a tantalizing initial taste of what is out there on this topic. It can prove to be an enticing exploration for the intrepid genealogical researcher to learn more about the military exploits of their ancestors. Or, for those just interested in military history and Jewish soldiers, they can follow the lead of the book to other resources.