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Daniel Finkelstein

ByDaniel Finkelstein, Daniel Finkelstein


Feeling at home in the Synod

December 2, 2012 10:25
2 min read

It's an odd thing, when you are called Finkelstein, to find yourself commenting on the internal debates of the Church of England. But such was my fate - both on television and in print - when the Synod made its decision not to allow women to become Bishop.

It was, I felt, inappropriate to suggest that the Church's big intellectual error had been made at around the time of the crucifixion and that being regarded as the messiah isn't much of a job for a Jewish boy. Nor is being a carpenter, for that matter.

But as I gave it a little thought I realised there was quite a lot in the whole affair that was relevant to me as a Jew. In fact, what is going on in the Church of England is going on in the Jewish community, too.

Religious observance in this country is diminishing. You would think that, as this happens, religions would become more open, more questioning, more reform minded as they seek to halt the decline. But no.