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Ashley Blaker

ByAshley Blaker, ashley blaker


Farewell to my Seinfeld superstar

Jerry Stiller, who has died at 92, played Frank Costanza, the best character in the best sitcom on earth. In the world of comedy, it doesn’t get better than that

April 14, 2020 11:17
Jerry Stiller signing autographs in New York in 2009.
2 min read

These are sad times. We are constantly bombarded with bad news. So many people have passed away in the community and we are attending Zoom funerals on a regular basis.

However, there was one passing that particularly moved me this week, that of Jerry Stiller, the comedian and father of Hollywood actor Ben Stiller.

At 92, he had a pretty good innings, as no one in the Stiller house would have said since I doubt they know much about cricket.

But if I’m being honest, my sadness was not so much for Jerry Stiller the man but more because this news meant that Frank Costanza had packed up his cabana wear and finally shuffled off to the great Floridian retirement community in the sky.