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Far away and very close

Even when you live in a country at war - and are fighting for that country - sometimes you just need to live your life, says our lone soldier blogger, Shira Silkoff

November 21, 2018 09:43
2 min read

Ask a tourist what the most distinctive thing about Israel is to them, and they might give any one of the following answers: the Old City of  Jerusalem, the beaches of Tel Aviv and Eilat, or the swarms of soldiers in olive green and beige crammed onto public transport every morning.

You can find us crowded into the central bus stations of Jerusalem and Be’er Sheva, right across the country to the most remote outposts of the Negev Desert and the green hills of Ramat Hagolan. We’re in every shawarma store and coffee shop from the earliest hours of the morning until the latest hours of the night. In short, we’re everywhere.

Last week, on the evening of November 12, Hamas fired over 400 rockets into Israel, sending the southern half of the county into bomb shelters for hours at a time. A strange energy filled the air, none of us knowing what this meant for us, for the thousands of soldiers spread across Israel.

I happened to be off from the army that night, along with three other friends, all of them combat soldiers who knew that this number of rockets could cut short their leave and have them travelling down to the Gaza border.