
Evening Standard loses the plot

February 10, 2009 10:43
1 min read

I've seen a lot in my time, but this Evening Standard headline is right up there with the most outrageous I've seen: 

Israelis go to polls to choose between three warmongers

Why don't they just go ahead and add the fact that Israelis eat babies, too? 

UPDATE: The hard copy of the paper is even worse. Alongside the main piece is an amazingly stupid commentary by the paper's Property Correspondent in which she writes that "Doves" (presumably those Israelis who favour a two-state solution):

...now account for possibly no more than 10 per cent of voters.

Hmm. This is what is technically known as complete nonsense.

Here's what Gallup had to say in 2007:

Among Israelis, the proportion who say that in principle, they "strongly" or "moderately" support the peace process is 72%.

Stick to writing about Foxtons please, Ms Bar-Hillel, instead of complete rubbish about Israel.