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Even in the army, at the end of every week comes a weekend

Lone soldier Shira Silkoff has survived a year in the IDF. Here she reflects on lessons learnt

January 30, 2019 14:43
3 min read

December marked the all-important one year anniversary of my army service. This meant several things. I’m now over halfway through the two years I signed up for, and am now what Israelis call “pachot tzair” :I’m finally considered someone who isn’t a complete newbie. Given this newfound status of mine, I have decided that now is the perfect time to impart some of the wisdom I have gathered over the past 12 months.

How to sleep anytime, anywhere

During training, sleeping time is carefully planned out and calculated down to the very last minute. You receive absolutely no more and no less than the compulsory amount, and however tired you may be, being told you’re going to sleep early in the evening is never a good thing because it means that wake up will be just as early.

However, the seven hours will never be exactly seven hours. For example, if you happen to be put on guard duty that night? Well you can kiss goodbye to at least an hour of that time. Someone in your room talking after lights out? You can either throw a pillow at her or put it over your own face but either way, those seven hours are ticking away fast.