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Simon Rocker

BySimon Rocker, Simon Rocker


European Jewry alive and kicking

December 27, 2013 11:28
1 min read

There are some people in the Jewish world who have written off European Jewry as a lost cause. But not everyone regards us as basically only a pool for potential aliyah.

Barbara Lerner Spectre, the founding director of a Stockholm-based institute of higher Jewish education, called Paideia, believes that a new kind of Jew is emerging on the continent and that they have something to contribute to Jewry as a whole.

Modern Jewish identity has largely been broken into three types, she explained at a Limmud session: religious, national or cultural – cultural meaning a “Woody Allen Jew”.

The new Jews of Europe can’t be quite categorised in any of these ways: they are highly committed, cosmopolitan, sophisticated and “hyphenated” – at home in their own country but regarding themselves as citizens of a minority culture within it. And, she stressed, “they are not going to leave Europe.”