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EHRC decision is not cause for celebration, it's the crossing of a very low bar

As a party that prides itself on being anti-racist, this should not be 'job done' but a step on the path to some serious introspection

February 15, 2023 16:56
2 min read

Following their damning report eighteen months ago, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) have announced they are no longer monitoring the Labour Party for discriminatory practices against Jews. It is a landmark day. Finally this mainstream British political party is no longer officially institutionally antisemitic.

The announcement was certainly a welcome development but it was not something to celebrate. It just marks the end of a shameful episode for the Labour Party, perhaps the worst in their history.

The Labour Party is now following the basic legal requirements for any political party. This is not optional and even the British National Party had to adhere to it. They are the only other political party to be investigated by the EHRC.

No longer breaking equality law in three different areas over their treatment of Jews is the lowest possible bar for the Labour Party. As a party that prides itself on being anti-racist, this should not be “job done” but a step on the path to some serious introspection.