I once answered one of those newspaper Q&A things by saying that my ideal PM would be Jeff Stelling,
On reflection, I should have writtten another Jeff: Jeff Randall. I can't recall a word of his with which I have disagreed. Today's column on the BBC's latest bit of bother is typically bang on: As Fincham walked, the BBC promised "to implement a comprehensive set of actions to address the weaknesses of communications and co-ordination with other divisions." Do what?
Hello, it's not that complicated. This fiasco does not merit another burst of expensive training manuals. There's no need for yet more weasel worded instructions on internal discourse. You simply tell staff: DON'T MAKE IT UP. If you do, you will be slung out. No ifs, no buts and no compensation. That would do the trick, but it's not going to happen.