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Don’t judge Israel from thousands of miles away

Visiting a town on the border with Lebanon brings home our proximity to our enemies

August 31, 2022 10:44
3 min read

They come to the border and scream, “F you! Sharmuta!” (a... very rude word), random things, whatever they can. They just come and yell across the fence,” Sara says as she points to the lights across the way. “You can hear them quite clearly.”

I’m in Metulla, a quiet place with just 2,000 residents. It has hills, farms and orchards like many northern Israeli towns. It has a nature reserve with a lovely waterfall, a growing tourist industry with cute boutique hotels, historical sites and lookouts where one can see for miles and miles.

But unlike other Israeli towns, Metulla is surrounded on three sides by enemy territory. Lebanon.

And ever since Israel retreated from the buffer zone that kept Hezbollah fighters — and anyone on the other side — a few miles away from the border, Israelis can see the neighbours they will likely never get to know.

