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Stephen Pollard

ByStephen Pollard, Stephen Pollard


Derek Conway and Press TV

November 3, 2009 17:38
1 min read

I don't usually reprint private emails, but this one from Derek Conway MP is so revolting that I will make an exception:

Dear Mr.

I sent an email on 31st October to the general editorial
inbox but as it has not generated a response your Arts Editor suggested I email you

I host pressTV's book show Epilogue, which is a twenty-five minute
review of a current work of non-fiction with an international affairts interest.
On Monday 9thNovember at
12:30pm we shall record our next edition.
The book chosen is Alan Hart's
"Zionism: the Real Enemy of the Jews" which, frankly, I find
unnecessarily lengthy but he makes points worthy of challenge and informed
PressTV , you are probably aware, is Iranian owned but I must
say that not one of the programmes I have hosted (some of them rather critical
of Iran's leadership) has been edited so
I am confident of chairing a fair debate. Many guests of the Jewish faith have
appeared on station programmes.
I'm working on a synopsis of the book
for guests who do not have time to read it cover to cover and I also send out a
copy of my draft introductory comments given to camera at the opening of the
show. This helps our guests with the flow of the programme and demonstrates
that we want a fair and informed debate, no