Oh dear. The Conservative MP Daniel Kawczynski lays into Melanie on CentreRight:
This person
lambasts me on the report published yesterday from the International Development Select Committee of which I am a member without even bothering to pick up a phone to check her facts. Why do people accept such lazy and inaccurate reporting. I enclose below two communications I have had with the Chairman of this Committee.
He then goes on to publish some correspondence he's had with the Committee's chairman, which explains how he "has distanced himself from his fellow Committee members for advocating negotiations with Hamas, the Palestinian militant organisation."
Oh dear. I fear Mr Kawczynski is either an idiot or incompetent, and probably both. The thing is...he signed the report. He put his name to it. He supported its recommendations. Clearly, and unambiguously.
And here's what Melanie wrote:
Depressingly, the Commons International Development Select Committee -- with one sole dissenting voice -- has followed the Commons Foreign Affairs Committee by calling in a
report today for Britain and the west to start talking to Hamas.
...In short the report is a disgrace. Labour and the LibDems are beyond redemption when it comes to attitudes to Israel -- but what does David Cameron think about this? Does he agree that we should be talking to Hamas? Does he go along with the report