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Critics of Wiesenthal

September 3, 2009 21:08
1 min read

In my view there are few people who sit more highly than Simon Wiesenthal.
I have huge regard for him not only because of his mission, but of the WAY he carried out his mission.
And by that, I mean that he was (or seemed) tireless, painstaking, wholly committed and would stop at nothing to try to find nasties, wherever in the world they'd tried to hide.
The man - while utterly driven - appeared to me to be a gentle man, too. A gentleman, if you will.
And yet his steel and resolve was without question.
I have no criticism of the man at all.

And with my enthusiasm, and respect, I started supporting the Simon Wiesenthal Center (I live in New York, born British).

I do believe the "all it takes for evil to prosper is for enough good men to do nothing" credo. I do believe in strong, affirmative (Israeli) action, more than the (British) "hang on chaps, let's all be reasonable" approach.

Yet, SWC is, to my ears and eyes, sometimes in danger of nearing the "extremist" stance on almost everything.