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Courage vs success

Oprah Winfrey is a source of inspiration for many all over the world, and her podcast has now inspired our student blogger Asha

May 9, 2018 14:41
2 min read

I've spent a large proportion of the last few mornings walking alone to the library from my room at 7am, trying to balance a Greggs coffee and the stack of books I thought I would need but turned out to be useless in one hand, whilst the other cradles my iPhone as I scroll through the same social media feeds I’ve already seen twice in the half an hour I’ve been awake.

Ok, so the last part of that isn’t actually true, but its necessary to complete the image of the streams - even at 7am - of millennials who fit that description, swarming up the cobbled streets of Durham towards the library.

In fact, I’ve taken to listening to podcasts on my unfortunate treks - a welcome near-replacement for the books which I haven’t had the opportunity to read and won’t again, until summer. And I’ve actually ended up quite invested in Oprah Winfrey’s series ‘SuperSoul Conversations’, where she speaks with ‘celebrities’ for want of a better word - she describes them as ‘thought-leaders, best-selling authors, spiritual luminaries’ - about their work and their lives, their beliefs and their feelings. Essentially right up my street.

Anyway, her two-part conversation with Maya Angelou really stuck with me (actually brought me to tears twice - which is not ideally how you want to start a 12-hour day in the library). Above the beautiful purity of the relationship between the two women who have been friends for years, above the almost-majesty of Angelou speaking about everything from her childhood to how she understands God, above everything there was one thing she said that simultaneously caught me off guard and filled me with so many thoughts and feelings that I’ve still not finished unpicking.