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Could the land of milk and honey save the world's bees?

Across the world, the vital insects are dying out, but Israeli innovation offers hope of a cure

May 26, 2022 13:13
bee air trip, five shots combined (exposure time: 1/1250 sec.)
3 min read

Sustainability has become something of a buzzword over the years, and for good reason. Without making some swift, fundamental changes to the way we produce food, we are paving the way for a future of increasing insecurity. Fortunately, in true Israeli style many start-ups are working with great creativity to combat this.

Let’s go back to that buzzword. Leading the hive is Israel’s growing innovation in the way we treat bees and the subsequent honey industry. 

In 2019 a team of 12 Technion students, from six different faculties at the university, won a gold medal in MIT’s International Genetically Engineered Machine competition for their development of vegan, bee-free honey. 

Replicating the protein from a synthetic bee’s stomach which, combined with plant nectar, produces honey, they succeeded in manipulating and reprogramming the required bacterium for the natural process in a lab. 

