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Monica Porter

ByMonica Porter, Monica Porter


Could Bloomberg be the man?

August 19, 2011 09:16
3 min read

As we near the 2012 American presidential elections, once again there are rumours that the Mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, might enter the race, thereby making himself potentially the country's first Jewish president.

The Committee to Draft Michael Bloomberg, which unsuccessfully urged him to run in the 2008 elections, has announced that it will try to persuade him to wage a campaign next year.

As for the 69-year-old media mogul himself - with an $18 billion fortune, the 13th richest person in the United States - he denies that he has any plans to run. But, as we all know, the denials of politicians are never carved in stone.

Personally, I had never found him a very attractive figure. For a start, I'm not sure a billionaire can possibly understand the plight of the common man. This impression was reinforced for me a few years ago when someone who had regular dealings with him described Bloomberg as "lacking the empathy gene". Not ideal for a President.