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Jan Shure

ByJan Shure, Jan Shure


Competition good... part II

July 16, 2009 10:30
1 min read

As I have observed previously in writing about the cost of Israel hotel rooms and flights, competition is always a good thing. Now, with El Al operating three flights daily, up against BA’s two daily flights and bmi’s daily duo tailored for businessmen – plus, of course, the prospect of easyJet flights from £102 return hovering on the horizon – there are more bargains to be had.

For anyone who is sufficiently spontaneous to hop on a plane this coming Monday, July 20, and able to stay a week basking in the guaranteed sunshine, and frolicking amid the cool bars and cafes, El Al has a fare of £199, all inclusive. And even better, the return leg on July 28 is on flight 317, which leaves late afternoon, giving you most of the day by your hotel pool. Sadly, I can’t think of any assignment that might persuade the JC editor to let me take a week in Israel, or I would be biting off the hand of the airline to buy its Spontany fare.