I like Denis MacShane a lot. Politics would be better if there were more MPs like him. However, he's guilty of the most almighty whopper in his New Statesman piece today: Mainstream Tory MEPs, such as Caroline Jackson, are in despair. In the Financial Times last month, she criticised the "bad manners" of her colleagues towards sister right-wing parties in Europe - in particular Daniel Hannan, a Conservative MEP and Hague supporter who had compared the mild-mannered German Christian Democrat president of the European Parliament to Hitler. No he didn't. He did nothing of the sort and Denis is too intelligent not to know that. Here's Daniel Hannan's account of what happened (do read it all): For a few weeks, I have been blogging about the protest by a handful of MEPs against the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty in anticipation of formal ratification and despite the cancellation of the promised referendums.