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Stephen Pollard

ByStephen Pollard, Stephen Pollard


Catweazle's uzi

June 13, 2007 24:00
1 min read

Here's Peter Briffa's take on honour killings. And the Yazzmonster: Is Yazza really saying that, God forbid (as it were) the noted scientist and atheist Richard Dawkins were to go into a mosque armed with a machete and in a frenzied attack loosen the limbs of a herd of mullahs leaving them to die a series of bloody, violent and painful deaths without an ambulanceman in sight, that this would somehow be more acceptable than say, Archbishop Catweazle wandering into the National Secular Society with an uzi under his cassock, and, whipping it out in a frenzied attack, thereby laying waste to some of Britain's finest freethinkers in a cocktail of carnage?