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‘Cast Dread’ – Secret record just released by Al Lukheer, previously unknown Mid-East TV channel

January 26, 2011 17:01
6 min read

Explanatory Comment. These notes, code-named ‘Cast Dread’, are the secret record of a political Party meeting which took place in late 2008. All names have been disguised to prevent identification. The notes are prefaced by an anonymous reporter, who for unknown reasons records the meeting in present tense:-

Funny things, elections, aren’t they? I mean, take US Presidentials. The US procedure, roughly, is that each candidate spends huge amounts of money, the aim being that the one who spends most, wins. Doesn’t always work, but that’s their system and that’s the way they run it.
Another Election process is underway now, in a Middle East state. This state has many close kinfolk all around the world. So let’s call this country the State of Usrael. It’s December 2008, the Nation will vote next February. Election customs and practices are different in Usrael of course. But the various Parties fight for victory as eagerly as in any other country, using the Usraeli rules. These rules are, that each Party has to be seen as the strongest. Strength is the currency. All the Parties compete to show they’ve got the most.

So how’s it going? The current ruling Party, CODIMAH, decides, after several months of meticulous PR planning, to show just how strong it will be if re-elected. It terminates a truce which, everyone agrees, the neighbouring government of GEEZA has maintained for far too long. It does so by quietly sending a crack mission to eliminate six or seven Geezas. Its clever calculation provokes retaliatory rockets from the Geezas. Then, free to display righteous fury, it sends Usrael's fighter planes flashing across the skies in SELF-DEFENCE.

Does this impressive display of electoral strength impress LIKHED, the main opposition Party? No way! Party Leader Nutiyahoo shouts to the electorate “No! You must vote for us! Look – all Codimah promise is they’ll silence the Enemy’s rockets. Then they’ll leave ’em alone. Leave ’em alone? Feh! When our Party’s in power we’ll make sure none of these Enemies will be left alive, cluttering our Promised Land! That’s what WE’LL do. Vote for us!”
“Tee hee hee!” comes a tinkling chorus from the tiny, ringlet-cheeked, big-hats-over-little-skull-caps, DEEPLY PIOUS PARTY. They’re small in number but very powerful, because of Usrael’s proportional representation system. “We may be small”, they shout, “but by Adonoy (aka G*d) we’ll make these others listen to us! Whoever gets to be the Government, they’ll need our support. So they’re gonna have to do what we tell 'em. We’re strong too!”