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Capitulation of the US shows Bibi was right

Israel would be facing a catastrophe if it wasn’t for its new diplomatic alliances in the Gulf

September 2, 2021 07:20
3 min read

The capitulation of the US to the Taliban is, as Daniel Finkelstein writes in this week's JC, far more than a self-contained decision to end a war for which it no longer had the stomach. The consequences will shape the rest of the century. It is not merely that America has decided to turn its back on its role as the world’s policeman, or even that it has ceded its role as leader of the West. It is that to all intents and purposes there no longer is a ‘West’ — in the sense of a network of alliances based on a broadly shared outlook and a willingness to stand up for that outlook.

Quite apart from anything else, why would anyone — be it Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping or any other leader of a tyrannical regime — pay the least attention to any future demands from the West, let alone fear our wrath? We do not even stand by those who risk their lives for us, leaving them to be decapitated by the Taliban. If I were Ukrainian I would be fearful as to what the near future holds.

Which brings us to Benjamin Netanyahu.

It is now fashionable to regard Israel’s longest serving prime minister as yesterday’s man, a busted flush whose aura of invincibility vanished the moment he was ousted from office. That may be true; none of us knows what lies in store.