Apologies: 'soon' turned out to last much longer than I had hoped. But I'm back now and raring to post.
It's difficult to know where to start, so I'll start with today. A few people have - rightly - chastised me for not posting on the economic events of the past few weeks. I'll try to make up for lost time, but in the meanwhile you won't go wrong following Oliver Kamm's blog. When he was a banker and wrote part-time, he had a self-denying ordinance on matters financial. Self-denying it might have been; but it also denied us. One of the benefits of Oliver's switch to Grub Street has been that he is now sharing his views with us. Do read.
There has been so much 'Gordon's triumph, Gordon saves the world' guff peddled over the past week that I sometimes wondered if I had entered the twighlight zone. Triumph? Triumph? Daniel Finkelstein is bang on this morning: