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Britain shouldn't follow Donald Trump's lead in moving the embassy to Jerusalem

An ex-Israeli security chief, the former chief of staff to Ehud Barak and a tech entrepreneur present the case against a unilateral move from Tel Aviv

January 14, 2019 11:09
Members of the Palestinian community and their supporters march toward the Israeli consulate to protest President Donald Trump's decision to move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem on May 15, 2018 in Chicago, Illinois
4 min read

In recent weeks, the UK government has faced calls to follow the US lead and move the UK embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, including Conservative MP Michael Fabricant, who lamented "the bold decisive steps taken in Washington have not been repeated in London". This followed some on the Board of Deputies calling on then-President Jonathan Arkush to urge Britain to move its embassy, after he praised Donald Trump's decision to do so with the American one.

As Israelis, Jerusalem is our capital. Jerusalem has been the spiritual centre of the Jewish people ever since King David entered its gates more than 3,000 years ago. It became the official capital of the state of Israel on December 13, 1949, a year and half after the establishment of the state. It was the capital when the eastern part of the city was under Jordanian control, and remains its capital after the entire city was conquered in the six day war in June of 1967.

But we believe it would not be in Israel's interest for the UK move the embassy to Jerusalem as a stand-alone symbolic act lacking a broader context, as did the US.

The state of Israel was established as the democratic home for the Jewish people, in the spirit of its Declaration of Independence, as the need for such a home became evident after the holocaust of the Jewish people during the Second World War. Israel will be able to preserve its Jewish and democratic identity, as manifested in the symbols, the public holidays, the language, and the narrative, only if a Palestinian state will be established alongside it.