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Oliver Kamm

ByOliver Kamm, Oliver Kamm


Behind Ukip's smiling face

March 5, 2015 14:54
2 min read

'I don't care what you call us," declared Nigel Farage at a Ukip rally last year, "but from this moment on, please, do not ever call us a racist party. We are not a racist party."

What sort of party needs to declare that it's not racist? The answer is unmysterious: one that reliably attracts the support of racists.

That's what Ukip does. Racists join the party because they recognise where their interests lie. They are making a rational choice, for Ukip exemplifies xenophobia even while disclaiming it.

The voice of British Jewry ought to be clear just weeks before the general election. Ukip's values are alien to those of this community and this newspaper.