On Saturday my front tyre was slashed. I had parked a few paces from a newsagent and was walking along the street when a gang of young thugs walked up to me. “Buy us some fags,” they demanded. I ignored them. “Buy us fags,” they repeated with an increased air of menace. I ignored them again and walked into the shop. By the time I had come out, they had disappeared, leaving a parting gift of a slashed front tyre.
I haven't reported it to the police. What's the point? The police can't even be bothered to deal with assaults. In my previous experiences as a victim of crime - two minor assaults - the police did precisely nothing, not even stirring themselves to follow up the incidents with me. They'll probably simply laugh if I report a punctured tyre.
Even if this time they do their job and track down the tyre slashers, the only punishment the thugs would receive is a slapped wrist.
Oops. I forgot. Punishment isn't appropriate. The poor dears are doubtless demotivated and need to have their self-esteem boosted. It should come as no surprise that, at the end of the Skills Builder course, the participants are applauded as they receive their certificates.
Welcome to British criminal justice in the 21st century. Commit a crime, be put on a training course, and then be applauded.