Can someone please explain to me the purpose of Barnet Council?
Other, that is, than denying CCTV cameras to Temple Fortune and failing to carry out one of its most basic functions - ensuring that the roads are passable.
Today is Wednesday. The snow fell on Monday. There was no snow yesterday. There was no snow overnight this morning. But can Barnet Council be bothered to put salt down on any but the main high streets (which don't need it anyway, thanks to the heavy volume of traffic)? What do you think?
I live just off the Finchley Road, in a side street, yes, but a - normally - relatively busy one. Not one road in the area has had any salt or grit put down yet. And because of that, they are totally undriveable - giant ice rinks. All the cars are still parked, none having been moved since Sunday night because to do so is to guarantee an accident.
This has nothing to do with the excuses given - reasonable escuses, I agree - on Monday, when it perhaps wasn't possible to do anything. Yesterday and today, though, a lot was possible, and decent councils have done what is possible and made the roads passable. Not Barnet; not useless, incompetent, inefficient, waste of space Barnet Council.
The residents are up in arms. The council are not in the least bit interested. Barnet Council doesn't give a damn. When I rang to complain, they didn't bother returning my call. Of course they didn't - they couldn't care less.
What a rabble.