Miriam Shaviv

ByMiriam Shaviv, Miriam Shaviv


Barack Obama, Shabbos goy

July 18, 2008 13:19
1 min read

Colin Powell and Elvis Presley are two famous Shabbos Goys – they were both employed, in their youth, by Orthodox families to carry out certain acts forbidden to Jews on the Sabbath, such as turning lights on and off.

 But are they about to be eclipsed by one Barack Obama? According to Newsweek,

In 1999, while still in the Illinois State Senate, he shared an office suite with Ira Silverstein, an Orthodox Jew. Obama peppered Silverstein with questions about Orthodox restrictions on daily life: the kosher laws and the sanctions against certain kinds of behavior on the Sabbath. "On the Sabbath, if I ever needed anything, Barack would always offer," remembers Silverstein. "Some of the doors are electric, so he would offer to open them … I didn't expect that."

The article, about Obama’s faith, also adds:

Thanks to the efforts of his religious outreach team, he has an army of clerics and friends praying for him and e-mailing him snippets of Scripture or Midrash to think about during the day.

Shame no one sent him a proper definition of what “undivided Jerusalem” actually means.