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Stephen Pollard

ByStephen Pollard, Stephen Pollard


Athletics - the game is up

September 5, 2007 24:00
1 min read

Some of the commenters on my post on Christine Ohuruogu's shameful win have demanded that I apologise for criticising the fact that she was allowed to compete and for calling her a cheat. As if! In my book someone who knowingly breaks the rules is a cheat, whether it's a footballer who dives in the area or an athlete who misses three drugs tests.

Her win, and more particularly the cheers with which it was greeted by some, represent everything wrong with athletics and why, as a sport, it no longer has the public attention of old. In short, it's no longer viewed as clean.

Martin Samuel, by quite a long way the best sports writer around, has a superb piece today on just this point:When Ferdinand missed a drugs test at Manchester United