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As the war clouds gather in Ukraine, is Israel ready for the coming storm?

If the Jewish state wants to keep operating against Iran in Syrian airspace it might have to play ball with Russia

January 28, 2022 09:00
yair lapid
5 min read

In a television interview on Monday night, Foreign Minister Yair Lapid was asked for Israel’s position on what was looking like an imminent war between Russia and Ukraine.

“Allow me not to answer about an event where major Jewish communities can be involved,” he said, sticking to Israel’s official line that it has no official line when it comes to Russian policy.

It wasn’t just Mr Lapid. Government press officers did everything they could this week to avoid questions on the high-level briefings that took place in recent days on what Israel would do if the Jewish communities in eastern Ukraine would need to be evacuated from a war zone.

The current assessments are that there are around 75,000 Ukrainian citizens of Jewish descent – and therefore eligible for Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return – in the eastern regions of Donbass, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Odessa.

