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Jonathan Freedland

ByJonathan Freedland, Jonathan Freedland


Arsenal vs Spurs? It's Doves vs Hawks

November 7, 2013 14:58
2 min read

The plural of anecdote is not data, I know. A few random experiences do not a scientific sample make. I appreciate that, too. So I tread warily — not least because I am about to venture into territory where two of the most toxic divisions in our community converge. But here goes.

As the ever-patient JC reader knows well, I write often on Israel. My views, while rooted in the firm desire to see Israel survive and thrive, veer to the doveish left. What may be less well-known is that I have, in recent years, become a late convert to the beautiful game — brought to it by my young sons’ fervent passion for Arsenal. Having had a football-free childhood, I am now a regular at the Emirates Stadium.

When I write on Israel, either here or in the Guardian, I routinely get a torrent of criticism (and some abuse) from those on the Jewish right. Some of it comes via Twitter, which helpfully offers a “profile” of those doing the criticising (and abusing). It’s here that I’ve spotted a curious trend: with striking regularity, they identify themselves as Spurs fans. The convergence of these interests is often spelled out on the Twitter profile — say, “Israel, running, Tottenham Hotspur.”

It now happens so often, I’ve come to expect it. There’ll be the denunciation of my stance on, say, the latest peace talks, then I’ll scroll through their past tweets and discover a hymn of praise for Andros Townsend or Andre Villas-Boas. The conclusion has become inescapable: the cockerel of White Hart Lane is a bit of a hawk.