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Who will win Iran’s election? Ask ayatollah

May 30, 2013 13:00
Leading candidate Jalili (Photo: AP)
1 min read

At a speech on May 27 at Tehran’s Imam Hussein University, Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, said: “We don’t know who is going to be the president. We also don’t know in which direction the almighty will direct the hearts of the people.”

Reality is likely to be different. In fact, the Supreme Leader will probably know who the president will be even before the people of Iran go to the voting booths on June 14.

The reason is simple: Iran’s most powerful man needs a yes-man to be his president. He needs someone who will do as he is told, without asking questions.

With corruption and mismanagement eroding the regime’s legitimacy, and increased infighting within its senior ranks, more than ever, Khamenei needs peace and quiet at home.