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Anshel Pfeffer

ByAnshel Pfeffer, Anshel Pfeffer


US Secretary of State John Kerry in talks with Iran: Deal of the century or empty promise?

November 14, 2013 11:31
Secretary of State, John Kerry
3 min read

Last weekend’s round of talks between Iran and the P5+1 group surprised almost everyone involved.

Israel was surprised by what they perceived as the speed with which its American ally seemed to give in on basic assurances regarding the Iranian nuclear programme; the Western powers were surprised at the Iranian willingness to sign an agreement quickly; and everyone was astonished at the emergence of France as the most “hardline” party at the talks — even the French themselves.

The sudden rush of the foreign ministers of the US, Britain, France and Germany to the venue of the talks in Geneva on Friday was the first indication that they seemed to be on the verge of a major breakthrough.

“We were very, very close. Actually, extremely close,” US State Secretary John Kerry told the BBC on Tuesday, adding that, going forward, none of the differences between world powers and Iran over its nuclear programme were big enough to prevent an agreement.