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Michael Goldfarb

ByMichael Goldfarb, Michael Goldfarb


Trump casts his spell over Aipac

March 23, 2016 11:46
Donald Trump on the Aipac podium
3 min read

He came, he saw, he stroked. Donald Trump, front runner for the Republican nomination for president of the United States, addressed Aipac's annual policy conference in Washington DC on Monday.

Those who expected the controversy that has dogged Mr Trump throughout his campaign to follow him here were disappointed. He knew his audience and gave them what they wanted.

The Iran deal would be undone. Cheers. President Barack Obama was mocked. Laughter. He pledged that on day one of his presidency he would move the US embassy to Jerusalem, "the eternal capital of the Jewish people". Hurrahs.

The build-up to the speech had not been perfect. American Jewry parses all presidential candidates' words on Israel with the intensity of scholars dealing with an obscure passage of Talmud. If Mr Trump has a world-view, it is isolationist and his comment a few weeks ago that he would be "neutral" when it came to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict had prompted nervous analysis.