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Anshel Pfeffer

ByAnshel Pfeffer, in Jerusalem


The Gaza war goes deep underground

The IDF are now battling Hamas in hand-to-hand combat in tunnels deep below the surface

January 11, 2024 14:18
In this picture taken during a media tour organised by the Israeli military on December 15, 2023, soldiers stand at the entrance of a tunnel that Hamas reportedly used to attack Israel through the Erez border crossing on October 7. (Photo by JACK GUEZ/AFP via Getty Images)
4 min read

Brigadier-General Dan Goldfus can’t find a fitting historic comparison to the battle the men and women of the IDF’s 98th Division are now fighting in Khan Younis. In the end, he goes back nearly 80 years to the Battle for the Pacific in the Second World War.

“It’s like the Battle of Okinawa,” he says, “where the Japanese Army knew they couldn’t face the overwhelming American landing forces, so they retreated to the hills, where they could make the Americans fight hard for every inch of ground.”

There are no hills in Khan Younis. That is, except the thousands of ruined and bombed-out buildings. In Brigadier Goldfus’s analogy, the hills are the maze of tunnels under the city where the division is now pursuing three missions –- to rescue the 136 hostages still held in Gaza, most of them now believed to be under Khan Younis, to destroy Hamas’s formidable local brigade, and to capture or eliminate Hamas’s senior leadership, especially Yihya Sinwar, whose hometown this is.

The IDF has the overwhelming advantage overground, with its tanks, armoured fighting vehicles, drones and overwhelming firepower. Underground, he says, reaching even further back into military history, “It’s like trench warfare, chest-to-chest. And when you’re fighting chest-to-chest, your chances are only 50-50. Or less than that if you’re the one who is attacking.” And despite these odds, some of the special-force teams under Goldfus are now for the first time in this war starting to fight inside the tunnels. Or as he calls it “we are manoeuvring underground.”