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Rakib Ehsan

ByRakib Ehsan, rakib ehsan


The far right are using a crisis to target Jews

Extremists are exploiting Covid-19 to peddle conspiracy theories and intensify antisemitic hate

June 8, 2020 13:44
A National Socialist Movement supporter on the march in Georgia, USA
2 min read

While most of us see a crisis like the pandemic as a challenge to be overcome, there are others who consider these it as a gift — a golden opportunity not to be wasted.

Far-right extremists — both abroad and closer to home — are exploiting Covid-19 to peddle conspiracy theories and intensify antisemitic hate.

The association of Jews with disease and infection draws on deep-rooted antisemitic tropes. In the 14th century, Jews were blamed for causing the Black Death plague by poisoning wells. The scale of persecution was so vast that it led to Western Europe being virtually emptied of its Jewish communities, many of whom travelled east to escape.

This is the antisemitic legacy that is echoed by today’s far-right extremists. My new report for the Henry Jackson Society explores how far-right actors on both sides of the Atlantic are exploiting the pandemic, focusing on two organisations: the UK’s British National Socialist Movement (BNSM) and the US’s National Socialist Movement (NSM).