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On trial for corruption yet humiliating Israel’s enemies: The two faces of Bibi Netanyahu

Despite his flaws, has played an undeniable role in reshaping Israel

December 19, 2024 16:28
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3 min read

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has long captivated the Israeli electorate and the world. On one hand, he is one of the most embattled politicians around today, fending off repeated attempts to remove him through both political and legal tracks. He faces serious corruption charges and currently is meant to be spending several days a week in an underground courtroom in Tel Aviv, providing testimony in the trial against him.

But then there is the other Bibi, as he is known internationally. This Netanyahu is the leader who has appeared numerous times the cover of Time magazine and is one of the most recognisable politicians in the world. Under his leadership, Israel has risen from the ashes of October 7 to reshape the Middle East.

Had someone, for instance, told us in September 2023 that within a year Hamas would be decimated, Hezbollah's entire top leadership, including the iconic Hassan Nasrallah, would be eliminated, Iran would be more vulnerable than ever and Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria would have collapsed, the likely response would have been disbelief.

Yet this is the reality in the Middle East today. While the events of October 7 remain a stain on Netanyahu and his government - his policy of containment regarding Gaza allowed Hamas to grow stronger - it is impossible to overlook the success he has orchestrated in securing Israel’s borders and reshaping the region. Once the hostages return, Israel will genuinely be able to claim victory in this war.