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John R Bradley

ByJohn R Bradley, John R Bradley


Obama's gamble: that Saudis hold firm to prevent Mid East collapse

September 5, 2014 09:25
Jihadi militants on the road in Iraq
2 min read

Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah issued a dire warning at a reception for foreign ambassadors last week. "I ask you to transmit this message to your leaders: fight terrorism with force, reason and speed," he said, claiming that the jihadis will launch attacks throughout Europe and the US within months if left unchecked in Syria and Iraq.

Just days earlier, the Islamic State had called for its Saudi-based cells to launch attacks in the first week of October to precipitate an Islamist uprising against the House of Saud.

Since neither London nor Washington needed the Saudi king's wake-up call, what he was really saying was that Saudi Arabia is next on the jihadis' hit list. There was a note of desperation in his accompanying plea that Washington "do something" before it is too late.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu simultaneously said in a televised speech that Israel had agreed to a permanent truce in Gaza to keep focused on the threat from regional militants. "We are in a situation where the Islamic State is at the gates of Jordan, al-Qaeda is in the Golan and Hizbollah is at the border with Lebanon," he said.