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Anshel Pfeffer

ByAnshel Pfeffer, Anshel Pfeffer


New ‘Palestinian’ bus lines cause human rights row

March 7, 2013 16:30
1 min read

Segregation, security and customer service have all been blurred in this week’s flurry of reports over the new separate bus services into Israel for West Bank Palestinian workers.

The new lines, which serve Palestinians working in Israeli cities, began operating on Monday amid accusations by human rights groups that they were being run on a racial basis, and counter-claims by the authorities that they were offering a much better service for the Palestinian passengers.

The bus line fracas is a reflection of changing circumstances in the West Bank where, due to the improving security situation, thousands of Palestinians have received permits to work in Israel, mainly in construction.

However, no comprehensive transport arrangements were made. In their absence, the workers were forced to catch buses originating in the settlements or pay what, for them, are huge sums to private taxi companies.