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Jewish Care report: the challenges faced by staff

April 1, 2017 11:12
1 min read

Lunch is over and a dozen wheelchairs are gathered in a semi-circle for the afternoon’s activity at the Betty and Asher Loftus Centre, Jewish Care’s Friern Barnet complex, of which Lady Sarah Cohen House is part. 

Today the living well team has organised a word game. But it could just as easily be a singalong, exercises, a discussion group or a gardening session.

Although a few residents are enjoying a post-prandial snooze, others engage enthusiastically in the activity. At the back of the room, a woman is trying get involved but struggling to be noticed. 

When this is pointed out to Albert, the senior nurse who is showing me around, he smiles. “That’s where she sits,” he says. “She likes it like that.”