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John Lichfield

ByJohn Lichfield, John Lichfield


Is Alain the man for France?

November 17, 2016 11:32
Could Alain Juppé, France’s former prime minister and foreign minister, grab the keys to the Élysée Palace in 2017?
2 min read

A centre-right presidential primary election this Sunday will reveal whether France is about to follow the Brexit and Donald Trump road towards elite-bashing populism.

The unlikely would-be scourge of the "elite" is not the far-right leader Marine Le Pen, but the former president, Nicolas Sarkozy.

He is seeking to rebuild his career with a Trump-like, or Trump-lite, message attacking political correctness, the establishment and the alleged "Islamisation" of France.

The winner of this month's two-round, centre-right primary, the first in French history, has an overwhelming chance of becoming president of the Republic in the elections proper next April and May.