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Iranians' anger is fuelled by 'Rich Kids'

October 14, 2014 10:14
1 min read

"Never mind what the politicians say. What are the real aspirations of the people of Iran for their country?", I am often asked.

Let me start by telling you what is not their aspiration: to see a small group of young and - probably - politically well-connected people from the affluent parts of Tehran shamelessly show off their extreme wealth on the Instagram page: "The Rich Kids of Tehran". The pictures were presented by the international press as an "alternative" vision of life in Iran's capital.

According to official Iranian government figures, 31 per cent of the population (23 million out of 77 million) are living under the poverty line. The real figure is believed to be higher. Poverty has pushed up drug use and, with it, the number of prostitutes.

So you really need to be shameless to post pictures of your Rolex watches and Porsches while your compatriots are being crushed by poverty.